Happy……what me……..??????

Strange as it may seem, you have come for a look at my page, weary of listening to my wailings and here I am feeling OK for a change, ‘Hussar’ I hear you shout, and we’ll you may.

Today is one of my better days, in fact I may even use the ‘g’ word here to describe it. Something is different today, I can’t quite put my finger on it, but the grey clouds are most definitely a ‘whiter shade of pale’, see what I did there? Maybe that was what that song was all about eh?

Anyway, there is a difference and I thought I would share it with you all. I think the last time I felt like this was when Helen threw me a party for my 50th, and friends had come to it. I knew nothing of it at all, hence surprise I suppose, and walked into the back garden to be greeted by a whole bunch of friends ,banners and balloons. It was great.

I am now trying to work out why? Why isntoday different? I have slept later but I don’t think that’s part of it. Oh well, I will continue to enjoy the day. And hey, if you are having a bad time of it today, just think, even JRR is feeling better today, and with some luck that will get you smiling 😀